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$6.90Pond NettingPRICED PER LINEAL METRE (Qty is per Metre (in length), e.g., x6 Qty = 6.0m long x 5.0m wide Netting) Width: 5.0m (fixed size) Colour: Black Weight/m2: 50GSM Heavy Duty canopy netting. UV Stabilised. Tripple-reinforced edges for stronger fastening to cables.Buy from Store Showing More like this 0 0
$30PVC Pond LinerPRICED PER METRE LENGTH (E.g., Qty 6 of 2m wide liner = 6m x 2m Liner) Microns: 500 Material: PVC To calculate how much pond liner you require: (Remember to allow extra for corners or holding the edges down) Pond Depth x 2 Pond Length = Required Liner Length Pond Depth x 2 Pond Width = Required Line...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$109EPDM Pond LinerPRICED PER METRE LENGTH (E.g., Qty 6 of 4.27m wide liner = 6m x 4.27m Liner) Microns: 1000 Material: Synthetic Rubber (Ethylene - Propylene - Diene Terpolymer) To calculate how much pond liner you require: (Remember to allow extra for corners or holding the edges down) Pond Depth x 2 Pond Length = R...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$65Pondline Pond PaintPond Paint is a non-toxic paint on the membrane for waterproofing concrete ponds. As well as waterproofing the pond, it will also stop lime from the concrete leaching into the water. Lime is highly Alkaline so raises the pH level, which can be harmful to fish and adds to algae problems. Make sure th...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$65Pondline Pond PaintPond Paint is a non-toxic paint on the membrane for waterproofing concrete ponds. As well as waterproofing the pond, it will also stop lime from the concrete leaching into the water. Lime is highly Alkaline so raises the pH level, which can be harmful to fish and adds to algae problems. Make sure th...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$70TLC String Algae TreatmentTLC S.A.T. (String Algae Treatment) is 100% live bacteria, NOT a chemical; non toxic and non pathogenic. Specially formulated for beautifying problem ponds. Improvement usually occurs within 2 to 3 weeks of first product application. S.A.T. provides a crystal clear pond, safely and naturally, elimin...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$9.99Pond Liner UnderlayDescription PRICED PER METRE LENGTH (E.g., Qty 6 of 2m wide underlay = 2m x 6m Liner) Width: 2m To calculate how much pond underlay you require: (Remember to allow extra for corners or holding the edges down) Pond Depth x 2 Pond Length = Required Underlay Length Pond Depth x 2 Pond Width = Required ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$81.43EPDM Pond Liner 3.8m wide – per lineal metre$70.81 excl GST incl GST Our EPDM Pond Liner is the best material for lining ponds. ALLOW 14 days for DELIVERY Our EPDM Pond Liner is the best material for lining ponds. Price is based on the length you require from a 3m roll. This means when purchasing you only need to enter the length of the mater...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Warehousing 0 0
$60.50TLC Super Pond TreatmentTLC Super Pond treatment provides a crystal clear pond safely and naturally, and eliminates toxic ammonia, nitrite and eliminates foul odours. The treatment is 100% live bacteria, not a chemical; non toxic and non pathogenic, works in 2 to 4 weeks. Available Sizes: 375mL 375mL treats up to 40,000 li...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$49Cloverleaf Blanket AnswerBlanket Answer is suitable to use in ponds with fish and plants, it comes in powder form that is applied by sprinkling on top of the pond surface. The water will turn a milky colour although it should disappear within a few days. works gently by releasing bacteria into the pond water to clear up exc...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$45Dyofix Blue Pond DyeNon-Toxic to fish, wildlife aquatic plants. interrupts the photosynthesis process, thereby restricting submerged algae and weeds from growing, by creating a filter to block colours from the red end of the light spectrum from getting through to the bottom of your pond or lake. Also great for reflecti...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$45Dyofix Shadow Pond DyeNon-Toxic to fish, wildlife aquatic plants. used in smaller ponds and interrupts the photosynthesis process, thereby restricting submerged algae and weeds from growing, by absorbing and blocking all daylight, allowing no light to penetrate below the surface, hence the black appearance. Dyofix can be...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$169API Algae FixFor use in Ponds and Fountains Containing Live Plants and Fish. Effectively controls "green water" algal blooms (Chlorella), String or Hair Algae (Cladophora) and Blanketweed (Oedogonium). Controls many types of algae in water gardens, goldfish ponds, and ornamental fountains while keeping water cle...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$149Kidney PondSuitable as a goldfish or turtle pond, water feature reservoir, water lily or aquatic plant pond. Suitable pumps are generally determined by pond application. Please with your enquiry. Available Sizes: Mini Measurements: 710 x 457 x 155Dmm Capacity: 13ltr (approx.) Small Measurements: 1070 x 719 x 2...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$149Cascade PondSuitable as a goldfish or turtle pond, water feature reservoir, water lily or aquatic plant pond. Suitable pumps are generally determined by pond application. Please with your enquiry. Available Sizes: Mini Measurements: 350 x 400 x 100Dmm Capacity: 15ltr (approx.) Small Measurements: 680 x 580 x 17...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$99TLC Golf Pond TreatmentDescription Gold Pond Treatment is designed for larger ponds and is completely safe for all fish, wildlife, and desirable aquatic plants. Excellent for eliminating pea-soup color as well as toxic Ammonia and Nitrite which can harm fish. Clarifies pond water, improves water quality, degrades sediment...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$79.90Epoxy MortarADOS a two part silica based epoxy. Once mixed, the putty can be easily moulded to form permanent watertight repairs with a smooth finish to concrete, brick, mortar and plaster. It adheres well to wet surfaces and is suitable for most underwater repairs. In cured form ADOS many times harder and more...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$29API Tap Water Conditionerinstantly de-chlorinates aquarium and pond water, removing chlorine, chloramines and detoxifying heavy metals, making ponds and aquariums safe for fish. So you can add fish to your aquarium (or add them back after a water change) immediately. May be used in both fresh and salt water. Available Sizes...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$4.50Kijaro Floating Pellet Fish FoodKijaro Grow is specially formulated for daily consumption and can be fed to Goldfish, Tropical Fish and African Cichlids. It contains well balanced nutrients to enhance appetite and keep your fish healthy. Kijaro floating pellets do not cloud the water and decompose slowly, giving your fish more time to eat them. Available Sizes: 100g Bag 500g BagBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$40Natural Pond Dye - Water Soluble BagPond dyes are essential to the ongoing health of your pond once water clarity has been achieved with the help of other Healthy Ponds products. Blue and black pond dyes improve the aesthetics, while keeping the water temperatures cooler. Even when used in irrigation ponds, these dyes will not stain o...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$65API Pond-ZymePond-Zyme with Barley uses a super concentrated beneficial dry bacteria and natural barley to clean and clarify pond water. Quickly breaking down fish waste and decomposing debris (decomposing algae, leaves grass clippings) that cause cloudy water, sludge build-up and debris that clogs pumps and fil...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$45ClearPond Pond CleanDescription Treats and prevents algae from reappearing. When used as directed, pond clean will not affect pond plants or fish. The Clearpond range of water treatments are designed to help you get the best out of your pond or water feature. Size: 500ml Dose: 20mL per 500 Litres 500mL treats up to 12,500 Llitres How do I calculate the volume of water in my pondBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$35.99API Pond AlgaefixFOR PONDS CONTAINING PLANTS FISH. The pond owner's number one problem is green water caused by single-cell algae, blanketweed and string algae. Previously, all algaecides were non-selective and killed or damanged all plants in the pond along with the algae. API Pond ALGAEFIX is an effective, E.P.A r...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Internet only 0 0
$48.99API Pond Accu-ClearPondCare Accu-Clear is a colorless liquid that rapidly eliminates cloudy water in ponds and water gardens. Keep your freshwater ponds looking clear with pond water clarifier. A fast-working solution to cloudy pond water caused by dirt, silt, or floating particles. This pond cleaner quickly aggregate...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Internet only 0 0