Discover more like NZDF PASGT Helmet w/ Scrim DPM Cover - Large
$319NZDF PASGT Helmet w/ Scrim DPM Cover - LargeNew Zealand Defence Force issue PASGT kevlar helmet. Comes with custom DPM camouflage helmet cover w/ scrim attachments and Skydex chinstrap and liner upgrade. Size: Large 59-62cm Weight: Approx 1.5kg Colour: OD repaint on helmet, DPM Cover Condition: Used/Good - Item is well used. There may be mark...Buy from Store Showing More like this Clothing 0 0
$179NZ Army DPM Swanndri Jacket - LargeNew Zealand Army DPM Swanndri jacket with detachable hood. Based on the 1980's commercial models private purchased by soldiers for cold weather (NZDF issue pieces at the time were rather lackluster), they eventually became so prevalent that the NZDF decided to start manufacturing these for issue. Un...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing 0 0
$199NZ Army DPM MOLLE Vest - LargeNew Zealand Army DPM camouflage MOLLE web vest with 3 GP pouches, radio pouch and grenade/field dressing pouch. This was aquired from a support gunner serving in the early 2010's. This model of vest with introducted during the late 2000's during deployments to East Timor and before the introduction ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing 0 0
$329NZ Army DDPM Custom Sniper SuitNew Zealand Defence Force Desert DPM uniform modified for use as a sniper suit. Has had reinforcing added to the elbows and knees, and netting and scrim added to the backside of the jacket and trousers. Sizing/Fit: Jacket Medium (104cm) Trousers Large (96cm). Weight: Approx 2.5k g Colour: New Zealan...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing 0 0
$149NZ Army DPM Combat Vest - XLargeNew Zealand Army DPM camouflage combat vest. First seeing use in East Timor in the late 90's, these were typically worn for patrols or short excursions. This is a late model introduced around 2005 before the introduction of the MOLLE system. It features 4 single and 2 double magazine pouches (for th...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing 0 0
$119NZ Army DPM Wet Weather TrousersNew Zealand Defence Force issue DPM wet weather trousers with suspenders. This model was issued out between the late 90s to mid 2000s. Features scuff pads, zips running up the lower leg, and elasticated waist. Weight: 0.8kg Colour: New Zealand DPM Condition: Used/Very Good - Item has clearly had som...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing 0 0
$129NZ Army Early DPM Combat Vest - SmallNew Zealand Army DPM camouflage combat vest. First seeing use in East Timor in the late 90's, these were typically worn for patrols or short excursions. This is an early model featuring 8 double magazine pouches (for the Steyr AUG) and 2 general purpose pouches that can fit a 1qt canteen or British ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing 0 0
$107.10NZ Army 80s DPM Windproof Jacket - Medium RegularNew Zealand Army 1980's DPM windproof jacket. This is a heavily modified version of the early 80's model which used British DPM fabric. The modifications seem reminiscent of the design of 90's issue jackets with the liner removed, hood sewn on, cuffs reinforced and draw cord attached to the base of ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing 0 0
$219Dutch Army DPM RucksackThe Royal Netherlands Army issue this monster of a pack for their troops to give a rough bashing. Another well constructed piece of kit from the Dutch that should last years of abuse. Much like the British Army PLCE bergen, this features a large main compartment, buckle-down lid with extra storage a...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing 0 0
$499NZ Army Rabintex Helmet w/ Multicam Cover - LargeNew Zealand Defence Force issue Rabintex kevlar helmet with Multicam camouflage helmet cover. Comes with Streamlight torch mount. Size: Large (59-62cm) Weight: Approx 1.5kg Colour: Standard OD helmet paint, Multicam Cover Condition: Used/Good - Item is well used. There may be marks/stains/scratches ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing 0 0
$199NZ Army DPM Web Set - MediumNew Zealand Army DPM camouflage web set. Similar in design to the British PLCE webbing, the pouches and comforter are threaded through with a belt to secure them in place. This particular one uses a US style LC1 belt. This is the first pattern of rig issued out during deployments to East Timor in th...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing 0 0
$139British DPM Chest RigEarly 90's model British DPM chest rig manufactured by HM Supplies. Weight: 1.0kg Colour: DPM Camouflage Condition: Used/Good - Item is well used. There may be marks/stains/scratches or repairs, but it is still in functioning order. If you want more information on our condition ratings, check out our condition guideBuy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing 0 0
$219NZ Army 90's DPM Web Set - 2XLargeNew Zealand Army DPM camouflage web set. Similar in design to the British PLCE webbing, the pouches and comforter are threaded through with a belt to secure them in place. This particular one uses what looks to be a custom made web belt. This is one of the early private purchase models before they b...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing 0 0
$149NZ Army DPM Web SetNew Zealand Army DPM camouflage web set. Similar in design to the British PLCE webbing, the pouches and comforter are threaded through with a belt to secure them in place. This particular one uses a US LC2 belt (most likely sourced from the army's older US supplied equipment) with a modified strap a...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing 0 0
$139NZ Army DPM Web Set - MediumNew Zealand Army DPM camouflage web set. Similar in design to the British PLCE webbing, the pouches and comforter are threaded through with a belt to secure them in place. This particular one uses a US LC1 belt (most likely sourced from the army's older US supplied equipment). This is the first patt...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing 0 0
$143.10British Army MVP Bivy Bag - DPMThe British Army's approach to the bivy bag (Alternative spelling bivi or bivvy) is a no-nonsense design but with superior material quality. By "no-nonsense design" we mean there is no side zip, snap dome fastening or hook loop strips to mess around with. You enter through the wide opening at the to...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing 0 0
$170.10NZ Army MCU Wet Weather JacketWe have usually only had brand new versions of the MCU wet weather jacket but now we can offer a wallet friendlier one that has been used In 2013 the NZDF (New Zealand Defence Force) officially changed from its own native DPM camo to the new MCU (Multi-terrain Camouflage Uniform). An interesting cho...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing 0 0
$179NZ Army DDPM Windproof Jacket with InsigniaNew Zealand Defence Force Desert DPM windproof jacket with ISAF, Kiwi, New Zealand flag patches and Corporal rank slide. Sizing/Fit: Medium (104cm) Weight: Approx 1.2k g Colour: New Zealand Desert DPM Condition: Used/Fair - Item is very well used. Has several stains down the front and on the left sleeve. Small holes on the right chest pocket and sleeve (see photos).Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing 0 0
$129NZ Army DDPM TrousersNew Zealand Defence Force desert DPM trousers. This variant was the first issued for use in the Middle East until the introduction of the ripstop model in 2007. Weight: Approx 0.8k g Colour: New Zealand Desert DPM Condition: Used/Very Good - Item has clearly had some use. There may be marks and sign...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing 0 0
$109British PLCE Webbing SetWhile our latest batch aren't the best we've seen, they still have some grunt left. The system features a variety of gear attached to a center yoke with a belt. Store a good amount of equipment in the DPM utility pouches provided and hunters and airsofters can utilize the handy twin mag pouches. All...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing 0 0
$129NZ Army DDPM Ripstop TrousersNew Zealand Defence Force Desert DPM ripstop trousers. These were introduced around 2007 to all futher deployments to the Middle East until the inception of MCU. Weight: Approx 0.8k g Colour: New Zealand Desert DPM Condition: Used/Very Good - Item has clearly had some use. There may be marks and sig...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing 0 0
$179British Infantry DPM PLCE PackNote As per the grade, these packs have seen heavy use and some may have small holes to the outer back pocket. These bags may vary in colour due to heavy use or dirt build up. Some may have unit identification paint - see last photo for examples The British army infantry used these PLCE (Personal Lo...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing 0 0
$224.10NZ Army MCU Wet Weather Jacket - NewIn 2013 the NZDF (New Zealand Defence Force) officially changed from its own native DPM camo to the new MCU (Multi-terrain Camouflage Uniform). An interesting choice that was a camo variant from the Canadian company Hyperstealth. However, early runs of the wet weather sets were found to be substanda...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing 0 0
$139NZ Army DPM Patrol PackNew Zealand Defence Force patrol pack in DPM camouflage. Manufactured by Squires NZ, this pack is of mid 2000's production. Waist strap has been removed. Size: Rougly 45L Weight: Approx 1.4kg Colour: NZDPM Camouflage Condition: Used/Good - Item is well used. There may be marks/stains/scratches or re...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing 0 0