Discover more like Three Cherub Fountain
$5,988.38Three Cherub Fountain$5,988.38 Stunning white French-style fountain with intricate motif cherub detail is a wonderful addition to a formal, romantic, white or courtyard garden. The clean, white colour contrasting beautifully against green foliage. Water bubbles from a raised spout collecting into a bowl and is recircula...Buy from Store Showing More like this Services > Sales agent for manufacturer 0 0
$2,321.08Cherub Urn$2,321.08 This beautiful French-style urn with intricate motif cherub detail is an ideal planter for a formal topiary and a set of 2 urns provides a stunning statement at a doorway or step entrance. Indoor or outdoor use. Twenty years of expertise working with advanced cement technology and architec...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Sales agent for manufacturer 0 0
$5,257.70Asaki Rectangular Fountain$5,257.70 Sleek and stylish rectangular fountain with integrated water collection reservoir. As water falls down the rippled, textured sides of the fountain it is brought alive to add movement and gentle sound to your garden space. The pump (additional cost) re-circulates the water and occasional wa...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Sales agent for manufacturer 0 0
$5,199.21Volcano Fountain$5,199.21 This contemporary fountain gently trickles water over the centre piece dome which sits in a beautiful bowl. Self-contained and easy to install just connect the pump (additional cost) and fill with water. The pump re-circulates the water and occasional water top up required during warm weat...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Sales agent for manufacturer 0 0
$6,564Corinthian Fountain (Tall)$6,564.00 This Corinthian Fountain design was inspired by the well-watered city of Corinth which was known for its fountains. Water bubbles and cascades over the edge of the upper bowl creating a mesmerising shimmering effect and subtle sound. Self-contained and easy to install just connect the pump...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Sales agent for manufacturer 0 0
$5,692.50Strasbourg Fountain with 42″ Pond$5,692.50 Twenty years of expertise working with advanced cement technology and architectural design has allowed Pietro Stoneware to achieve a high quality product for your garden or home. Pietro Stoneware strives to develop lifestyle collections that are lightweight, stable and very resilient witho...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Sales agent for manufacturer 0 0
$9,794.94Versailles Three Tier Fountain$9,794.94 The Versailles fountain evokes memories of a fountain located in the gardens of the Palace of Versailles. The three tiers of beautiful flowing water create a stunning centrepiece for a formal garden. Water overflows into the top bowl and then dances its way over the sides of the upper tier...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Sales agent for manufacturer 0 0
$3,713.72Albany Wall Fountain$3,713.72 Twenty years of expertise working with advanced cement technology and architectural design has allowed Pietro Stoneware to achieve a high quality product for your garden or home. Pietro Stoneware strives to develop lifestyle collections that are lightweight, stable and very resilient witho...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Sales agent for manufacturer 0 0
$2,321.08Apple Fountain$2,321.08 Twenty years of expertise working with advanced cement technology and architectural design has allowed Pietro Stoneware to achieve a high quality product for your garden or home. Pietro Stoneware strives to develop lifestyle collections that are lightweight, stable and very resilient witho...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Sales agent for manufacturer 0 0
$2,049.05Abby Fountain$2,049.05 Twenty years of expertise working with advanced cement technology and architectural design has allowed Pietro Stoneware to achieve a high quality product for your garden or home. Pietro Stoneware strives to develop lifestyle collections that are lightweight, stable and very resilient witho...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Sales agent for manufacturer 0 0
$4,801.39Fox Fountain$4,801.39 Twenty years of expertise working with advanced cement technology and architectural design has allowed Pietro Stoneware to achieve a high quality product for your garden or home. Pietro Stoneware strives to develop lifestyle collections that are lightweight, stable and very resilient witho...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Sales agent for manufacturer 0 0
$2,858.17Minoan Fountain$2,858.17 Twenty years of expertise working with advanced cement technology and architectural design has allowed Pietro Stoneware to achieve a high quality product for your garden or home. Pietro Stoneware strives to develop lifestyle collections that are lightweight, stable and very resilient witho...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Sales agent for manufacturer 0 0
$3,388.77Lunar Fountain$3,388.77 Twenty years of expertise working with advanced cement technology and architectural design has allowed Pietro Stoneware to achieve a high quality product for your garden or home. Pietro Stoneware strives to develop lifestyle collections that are lightweight, stable and very resilient witho...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Sales agent for manufacturer 0 0
$6,172.68Asaki Square Fountain$6,172.68 Twenty years of expertise working with advanced cement technology and architectural design has allowed Pietro Stoneware to achieve a high quality product for your garden or home. Pietro Stoneware strives to develop lifestyle collections that are lightweight, stable and very resilient witho...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Sales agent for manufacturer 0 0
$3,899.41Sapienza Fountain$3,899.41 Twenty years of expertise working with advanced cement technology and architectural design has allowed Pietro Stoneware to achieve a high quality product for your garden or home. Pietro Stoneware strives to develop lifestyle collections that are lightweight, stable and very resilient witho...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Sales agent for manufacturer 0 0
$4,175.62Prairie Fountain$4,175.62 Twenty years of expertise working with advanced cement technology and architectural design has allowed Pietro Stoneware to achieve a high quality product for your garden or home. Pietro Stoneware strives to develop lifestyle collections that are lightweight, stable and very resilient witho...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Sales agent for manufacturer 0 0
$3,794.03Chatsworth Fountain$3,794.03 The Pietro a contemporary fountain that creates soothing sounds and movement in the garden. Water gently trickles over the central dome and collects in the large, circular bowl. Set on a well-proportioned plinth, it is a wonderful centrepiece for any garden to provide a wow factor. The pum...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Sales agent for manufacturer 0 0
$5,286.26Boy with Ball on Tiffany Fountain$5,286.26 Twenty years of expertise working with advanced cement technology and architectural design has allowed Pietro Stoneware to achieve a high quality product for your garden or home. Pietro Stoneware strives to develop lifestyle collections that are lightweight, stable and very resilient witho...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Sales agent for manufacturer 0 0
$3,388.77Bomarzo Fountain$3,388.77 Twenty years of expertise working with advanced cement technology and architectural design has allowed Pietro Stoneware to achieve a high quality product for your garden or home. Pietro Stoneware strives to develop lifestyle collections that are lightweight, stable and very resilient witho...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Sales agent for manufacturer 0 0
$3,241.15Spire Fountain$3,241.15 Twenty years of expertise working with advanced cement technology and architectural design has allowed Pietro Stoneware to achieve a high quality product for your garden or home. Pietro Stoneware strives to develop lifestyle collections that are lightweight, stable and very resilient witho...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Sales agent for manufacturer 0 0
$4,518.21Weeks FountainFrom $4,518.21 Classical, simple yet ornate fountain remniscent of the Victorian era. V2Water brings alive the matt black iron hue, transforming the fountain colour into a glossy black that reflects light and comes alive with the peaceful sound of moving water. The requires occasional water top updu...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Sales agent for manufacturer 0 0
$5,738.16Orb Fountain$5,738.16 The Pietro a modern fountain that creates soothing sounds and movement in the garden. Water gently trickles over the central dome and collects in the large bowl. Set on a well-proportioned plinth, it is a wonderful centrepiece for any garden to provide a wow factor. The pump (additional co...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Sales agent for manufacturer 0 0
$5,570.59Versailles Two Tier Fountain$5,570.59 The Versailles fountain evokes memories of a fountain located in the gardens of the Palace of Versailles. The two tiers of beautiful flowing water create a stunning centrepiece for a formal garden. Water overflows into the top bowl and then dances its way over the sides of the upper tier b...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Sales agent for manufacturer 0 0
$9,005.77Maldives Giant Fountain$9,005.77 Twenty years of expertise working with advanced cement technology and architectural design has allowed Pietro Stoneware to achieve a high quality product for your garden or home. Pietro Stoneware strives to develop lifestyle collections that are lightweight, stable and very resilient witho...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Sales agent for manufacturer 0 0