Discover more like API pH Down 37mL
$11.99API pH Down 37mLDesigned to lower the pH of aquarium water testing has show pH to be at an undesirable level. Lowers pH and makes aquariums water more acidic. Fast-acting, colourless, easy-to-use and will not cloud or colour aquarium water. Phosphate-free and nitrate-free - will not encourage algae growth.Buy from Store Showing More like this Home & Garden > Pet 0 0
$11.99API pH Up 37mLDesigned to raise the pH of aquarium water where testing has show pH to be at an undesirable level. Raises pH and makes aquarium water more alkaline. Fast-acting, colourless, easy-to-use and will not cloud or colour aquarium water. Phosphate-free and nitrate-free - will not encourage algae growth.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Pet 0 0
$9.90API pH Down 37mlLowers pH and makes aquariums more acidic. Fast-acting, colorless and easy-to-use. Purpose and Benefits: pH Down is a liquid pH lowering product for freshwater aquariums. pH Down lowers pH by neutralizing carbonate hardness in the water. Adjusting the pH to the proper level will improve fish health,...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$31.49API pH Test & Adjuster Kit - FreshwaterA complete kit to measure and adjust pH. Includes 37ml bottles of pH UP, pH DOWN pH solution. For fresh water. Test the pH of water within a 6.0 to 7.6 range. Enables use to adjust pH levels as required. Approximately 250 Tests. 3 Bottle Kit.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Pet 0 0
$12.99API Goldfish Protect 118mlMakes tap water safe for Goldfish Use when starting up and changing water Removes chlorine and chloramines Detoxifies ammonia released by Goldfish Enhances the protective slime coat of fish Contains trace minerals for fish health.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Pet 0 0
$18.99API pH Test - FreshwaterpH control is imperative to prevent the harmful effects of overly alkaline or acidic aquarium water on fish and plant life. For fresh water. Tests pH levels from 6.0 to 7.6. Approximately 250 Tests. 1 Bottle Kit.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Pet 0 0
$6.99API Stress Zyme+API Stress Zyme Helps reduce toxic ammonia and nitrite. Helps clean a dirty aquarium. Contains over 300 million live bacteria per teaspoonful. Contains 5 beneficial bacteria strains, each specifically selected for its unique role in the development of the biological filter. Available in three sizes 30ml - Treats up to: 227L 118ml - Treats up to: 893L 237ml - Treats up to: 1,794LBuy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Pet 0 0
$5.99API Stress Coat+API Stress Coat Water conditioner makes tap water safe for fish by removing chlorine, chloramines and heavy metals from tap water. Contains the healing power of Aloe Vera to reduce fish stress by up to 40% and to heal damaged tissue and wounds. Also reduces electrolyte loss in your fish, and should ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Pet 0 0
$13.99API Goldfish Aquarium Cleaner 118mlSimplifies the chore of maintaining Goldfish by helping to clean a dirty Goldfish aquarium or bowl naturally Helps keep gravel clean and removes organic sludge Works naturally to break down solid fish waste Helps reduce toxic ammonia and nitrite by boosting the effectiveness of the biological filter in established aquariums Use weekly, with a water change, for a clean healthy environment.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Pet 0 0
$23.99API AlgaefixA revolutionary product specially developed to control many types of algae in freshwater aquariums containing live fish and plants. Effectively controls green water algae blooms. Keeps freshwater aquariums clean and clear. Weekly doses of Algaefix will control algal growth and reduce aquarium maintenance.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Pet 0 0
$13.99API Aquarium Start Up Pack2 Easy Steps: 1) Add Stress Coat - This neutralises the harmful chemicals in tap water and contains aloe vera to help protect, soothe and heal fish. Scientifically proven to reduce fish stress, making them less susceptible to disease. 2) Add Quick Start - Utilising unique, patented nitrifying bacter...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Pet 0 0
$9.49API Quick StartUtilising unique, patented nitrifying bacteria, Quick Start is scientifically proven to quickly consume ammonia and nitrite to help prevent new tank syndrome. It allows for the instant addition of fish to an aquarium when all necessary conditions are met. This includes proper pH and water temperatur...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Pet 0 0
$5.49API Tap Water ConditionerSuper-strength water conditioner to instantly remove chlorine and detoxify heavy metals from tap water. Super-strength, Safe for all aquarium life. Works instantly Available in three sizes 30ml - Treats up to: 2,271L 118ml - Treats up to: 8,934L 237ml - Treats up to: 17,879LBuy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Pet 0 0
$81.99API Freshwater Master Test KitThis Kit tests tap water and aquarium water for five different parameters that affect the health of freshwater fish: pH, High Range pH, Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate. Highly Accurate and economical. Unique, transparent dome allows clear view of kit contents which includes all tests required to test t...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Pet 0 0
$59.99API Pond Simply Clear 473mlFast Acting Bacterial Pond Clarifier. A new fast-acting bacteria that will quickly clear pond water As these specially selected and unique strains grow faster than conventional enzyme producing bacteria, they release a natural polymeric coating into the water that will flocculate small particles. Th...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Pet 0 0
$16.99AquaWorld Fishing Boat Red14.5x6.5x7cm Great addition for your fresh water fish tank (cold water or tropical)Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Pet 0 0
$16.99AquaWorld Fishing Boat Blue13.5x6.5x7cm Great addition for your fresh water fish tank (cold water or tropical)Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Pet 0 0
$4.99Aqua One Coarse Fish NetsSafely catch your fish with this fine net. Features Benefits: - Low drag for fast movement and ease of catching fish - Coarse mesh - Rust Proof - Super strong nylon - Flexible - Gentle on fish - PVC encased handle 4 inch (10.5 cm x9.3 cmBuy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Pet 0 0
$24.49API MelafixAn all-natural, antibacterial remedy for the treatment of fish diseases. Patented formula uses the healing power of Melaleuca, a variety of Tea Tree, for the treatment of bacterial infections in fresh and saltwater fish. Rapidly Repairs damaged fins. Heals open wounds. Stops mouth fungus. Treats fin...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Pet 0 0
$24.49API PimafixAn all-natural, antifungal remedy for the treatment of fish diseases. Patented formula derived from Pimenta racemosa (West Indian Bay Tree), a proven natural antifungal. Rapidly treats fungal infections on the body fins. Treats internal external bacterial infections. Safe for sensitive fish, reef aq...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Pet 0 0
$13.99Freshwater Aquarium OptimizerIs a freshwater concentrate that contains all the beneficial bacteria needed for sustaining a healthy aquarium. It maintains overall health, crystal clear water, and biological balance of aquariums. Regular use will keep ammonia and nitrite levels low. Also digests organic sediment, reducing the problems associated with sludge buildup as well as keep tank walls and surfaces clean.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Pet 0 0
$8.90API Accu-Clear 37mlAPI ACCU-CLEAR water clarifier quickly clarifies cloudy water in your aquarium, eliminating haze to make your water crystal clear. API ACCU-CLEAR water clarifier clumps tiny floating particles together, forming large particles to be more easily removed by your aquarium filter. Product is safe for us...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$7.50JBL Weekend Fish Food- Convenient feeding of aquarium fish for 3 days. Weekend fish food for tropical freshwater fish - Nutritious and easily to digest: ideal feeding conditions for medium-sized ornamental fish up to 15 cm. The block dissolves when the fish feed - No water clouding: reduced algae growth thanks to balanc...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Pet 0 0
$7.99Wunder Algae Remover 50mlControls many algae and blanket weed species in the aquarium Warning continued use may burn or damage some aquatic plants during treatment Suitable for aquariums and ponds treats 1500LBuy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Pet 0 0