Discover more like SAFE AND SOUND Waterproof Leg Cast Protector
$22.99SAFE AND SOUND Waterproof Leg Cast ProtectorSafe and Sound Health Waterproof Leg Cast Protector is the ideal solution for keeping leg casts, bandages and dressings dry while showering. The unique design of the leg cast protector features an opening that stretches to fit over different size leg casts and then regains its original shape for a s...Buy from Store Showing More like this 0 0
$9.99SAFE AND SOUND Waterproof Arm Cast ProtectorSafe and Sound Healths Waterproof Arm Cast Protector is the ideal solution for keeping arm casts, bandages and dressings dry while showering. The unique design of the arm cast protector features an opening that stretches to fit over different size arm casts and then regains its original shape for a ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$9.99S&s Cast Protector - LegWaterproof protection for leg casts, post-surgery wounds and dressings. Easy to use and reusable. Stretchable opening that will fit tightly around the leg.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Food > Chutneys or relishes 0 0
$9.99S&s Cast Protector - ArmWaterproof protection for arm casts, post-surgery wounds and dressings. Easy to use and reusable. Stretchable opening that will fit tightly around the armBuy from Store ⦾ More like this Food > Chutneys or relishes 0 0
$54AML Cast Protector Adult Full-LegWaterproof protection for wound care protection, plaster casts and PICC line covers.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Medical service, specialist 0 0
$48AML Cast Protector Adult Half-Leg- Waterproof protection for wound care protection, plaster casts and PICC line covers.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Medical service, specialist 0 0
$53.99Waterproof Leg Cast CoversBloccs Waterproof Leg Protectors are especially designed if you have a leg injury and need to protect your cast, dressing, bandage or prosthetic leg from the water. Designed for ongoing wound care protection as well as for orthopedic fractures. Bloccs Waterproof Leg Protectors are fully watertight a...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing > Clothing wholesaling 0 0
$50Seal-Tight Cast/Bandage Protector - Adult Leg ShortThe Seal-Tight Cast And Bandage Protector is a completely watertight cover that is worn over a cast or bandage to allow you to bathe or shower. Features Made from a durable material, the Seal-Tight is fully submergible, meaning you can be reassured your cast or dressing will remain completely dry wh...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$50Seal-Tight Cast/Bandage Protector - Adult Leg LongThe Seal-Tight Cast And Bandage Protector is a completely watertight cover that is worn over a cast or bandage to allow you to bathe or shower. Features Made from a durable material, the Seal-Tight is fully submergible, meaning you can be reassured your cast or dressing will remain completely dry wh...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$50Seal-Tight Cast/Bandage Protector - Child Leg MediumThe Seal-Tight Cast and Bandage Protector is a completely watertight cover that is worn over a cast or bandage to allow you to bathe or shower Features The simple but effective design provides autonomy as it removes the need for plastic bags, tape, clingfilm, velcro straps or pumps which often requi...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$50Seal-Tight Cast/Bandage Protector - Child LegSeal-Tight Freedom is designed for active adults and kids. Features Whether it's swimming, water sports, hot tub, showering or bathing - the Seal-Tight Freedom will provide a safe, watertight enclosure around arms and legs. Specifications Length up to 58cm For length, measure from the tip of the finger to the top of the cast and add 2.5cm When bathing, partially submerge SEAL-TIGHT and expel airBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$34.99Bloccs Waterproof Cast Cover, Adult LegModel Number: ASL74 EAN (Barcode): 5060295740093 With easy to follow instructions and care information, your leg cover will give you the independence to shower despite having a cast or dressing. Whether you are looking forward to a holiday, a trip to the beach or lake or simply staying at home and h...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$49.99Weather Rain Cover for Leg CastsA Weather Cover for Leg Casts will protect your cast from rain. Introducing Weatherproof Rain Covers for Leg Casts. Before you go out, slip one on over your leg cast to protect it from the elements. Our closed-toe design and weatherproof fabric keep your leg cast/bandages and toes clean and dry from...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing > Clothing wholesaling 0 0
$50Seal-Tight Cast/Bandage Protector - Arm ShortThe Seal-Tight Cast And Bandage Protector is a completely watertight cover that is worn over a cast or bandage to allow you to bathe or shower. Features Made from a durable material, the Seal-Tight is fully submergible, meaning you can be reassured your cast or dressing will remain completely dry wh...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$64Seal-Tight® Sport - Adult LegSwim, shower and bath Seal-Tight Sport is a safe economical protector for casts and bandages during recreational water activities, or daily bathing and showering. Made of a high performance thermoplastic elastomer that stretches easily, the Seal-Tight Sport maintains a waterproof seal. Use for swimm...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Business > Medical equipment wholesaling 0 0
$34.99Bloccs Waterproof Cast Cover, Child ArmProduct Code (SKU): CFA73-L EAN (Barcode): 5060295740086 Bloccs have been designed to easily stretch over and cover a cast or dressing. To be watertight the protector needs to completely cover the cast or dressing, and a comfortable skin-tight seal should form around the arm. Bloccs arm covers are a...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$50Seal-Tight Cast/Bandage Protector - Adult Foot/AnkleThe Seal-Tight Waterproof Foot/Ankle Cast Cover is an essential aid for anyone with an ankle in a plaster cast or dressing. Features It is designed to keep the foot dry and hygienic during regular showering or bathing. Ideal for keeping an ankle cast or injured foot dry while bathing and showering. ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$53.99Waterproof Arm Cast CoversBloccs Waterproof Arm Cast Protectors are perfect if you are recuperating from an arm injury and need to protect the wound, burn, dressing, or broken arm cast from water while you shower, bathe or swim. It is easy to put on over your cast, dressing, or wound and will keep your arm completely dry and...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing > Clothing wholesaling 0 0
$50Seal-Tight Cast/Bandage Protector - Child ArmSeal-Tight Freedom is designed for active adults and kids. Features Whether it's swimming, water sports, hot tub, showering or bathing - the Seal-Tight Freedom will provide a safe, watertight enclosure around arms and legs. Specifications Length up to 61cm For length, measure from the tip of the finger to the top of the cast and add 2.5cm When bathing, partially submerge SEAL-TIGHT and expel airBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$50Seal-Tight Cast/Bandage Protector Adult ArmSeal-Tight Freedom is designed for active adults and kids. Features Whether it's swimming, water sports, hot tub, showering or bathing - the Seal-Tight Freedom will provide a safe, watertight enclosure around arms and legs. Specifications Length up to 76cm For length, measure from the tip of the finger to the top of the cast and add 2.5cm When bathing, partially submerge SEAL-TIGHT and expel airBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$50Seal-Tight Cast/Bandage Protector - Adult 1/2 - 81cmSeal-Tight Freedom is designed for active adults and kids. Features Whether it's swimming, water sports, hot tub, showering or bathing - the Seal-Tight Freedom will provide a safe, watertight enclosure around arms and legs. Specifications Length up to 81cm For length, measure from the tip of the finger to the top of the cast and add 2.5cm When bathing, partially submerge SEAL-TIGHT and expel airBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$64Seal-Tight® Sport - ChildSwim, shower and bath Seal-Tight Sport is a safe economical protector for casts and bandages during recreational water activities, or daily bathing and showering. Made of a high performance thermoplastic elastomer that stretches easily, the Seal-Tight Sport maintains a waterproof seal. Use for swimm...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Business > Medical equipment wholesaling 0 0
$64Seal-Tight® Sport - Adult ArmSwim, shower and bath Seal-Tight Sport is a safe economical protector for casts and bandages during recreational water activities, or daily bathing and showering. Made of a high performance thermoplastic elastomer that stretches easily, the Seal-Tight Sport maintains a waterproof seal. Use for swimm...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Business > Medical equipment wholesaling 0 0
$50Seal-Tight Cast/Bandage Protector - Adult Arm LongThe Seal-Tight Cast and Bandage Protector is a completely watertight cover that is worn over a cast or bandage to allow you to bathe or shower. Features The simple but effective design provides autonomy as it removes the need for plastic bags, tape, clingfilm, velcro straps or pumps which often requ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0