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$151.99Fundamentals of Corporate Finance : Print + Interactive EtextThe EBook version is here. Finance is a compulsory unit for business students and many struggle with the mathematical nature of the subject. Students need to practice constantly to reinforce finance techniques and Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 4th Edition (Parrino et al.) presents these process...Buy from Store Showing More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$107.99Fundamentals of Corporate Finance : Interactive EtextNOTE: THIS ITEM IS NOT-RETURNABLE - PLEASE CHOOSE CAREFULLY Buy online and we'll email you the code instructions. Buy in-store and you can collect the code instructions or have it emailed to you. The hardcopy version is here. Finance is a compulsory unit for business students and many struggle with ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$156.99Accounting Information Systems : Print & Interactive TextThe latest resource from Parkes et al., the fifth edition of Accounting Information Systems covers all the core topics in 14 concise chapters, delivered as an interactive Wiley E-Text: Powered by Vitalsource, for a more engaging and active learning experience. This digital resource is a landmark dep...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$99.99Management Accounting : VitalSource EtextNOTE: THIS ITEM IS NOT-RETURNABLE - PLEASE CHOOSE CAREFULLY Buy online and we'll email you the code instructions. Buy in-store and you can collect the code instructions or have it emailed to you. The hardcopy version is here. Eldenburg's fourth edition of Management Accounting combines the basic tec...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$169.99Management Accounting + Interactive E-TextThe EBook version is here. Eldenburg's fourth edition of Management Accounting combines the basic technical issues associated with cost management, management accounting and control with more recent and emerging themes and issues. Management Accounting is a compulsory element of the accounting major...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$158.99Management Accounting + Interactive E-TextThe fifth edition of Management Accounting integrates fundamental technical aspects pertaining to cost management and management accounting and control with contemporary and evolving themes and challenges. This comprehensive approach offers students studying cost and management accounting a nuanced ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$194.99Corporate Finance GEUsing the valuation framework based on the Law of One Price, top researchers Jonathan Berk and Peter DeMarzo have set the new canon for corporate finance texts. Corporate Finance blends coverage of time-tested principles and the latest advancements with the practical perspective of the financial man...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$173Essentials of Corporate Financeprovides students with a succinct introduction to the principles and practices of corporate and business finance. Based on the popular US text, now in its 10th edition, this book retains the interactive Ross style, focusing on key concepts and incorporating a range of local and global case studies. ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$136.99Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets GEFor courses in derivatives, options and futures, financial engineering, financial mathematics, and risk management. Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets covers much of the same material as Hull's acclaimed title, Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives. However, this text simplifies the langu...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$201.99Psychology : Print + Interactive E-Text : ANZThe new sixth edition of the Burton Psychology textbook is the gold standard ANZ resource on the market. After comprehensive consultation and research, the new edition has been reduced by 19%, and refreshed to include cross-cultural psychology throughout the book. The text has also been reorganised ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$75Fundamentals of Finance (5th Ed)Economics and Personal FinanceBuy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$160.99Accounting Business Reporting for Decision Making + EBookThe EBook version is here. Continues to set the standard for introductory accounting texts. Perfect for all business and commerce students, it shows the relationship between business and accounting in a clear and accessible way. This edition has a new focus on developing Excel skills, which is the b...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$132.99Accounting Information Systems : Controls and Processes : Asia Pacific EditionAccounting Information Systems provides a comprehensive knowledge base of the systems that generate, evaluate, summarize, and report accounting information. Balancing technical concepts and student comprehension, this textbook introduces only the most-necessary technology in a clear and accessible s...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$183.99Financial Reporting + EBookThe most authoritative financial reporting text for second and third-year courses, Loftus- Financial Reporting is back in a new fourth edition with updates to the Australian Accounting Standards (up to May 2022), making it the most current book on the market. New to this edition is an entire chapter...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$156.99Organisational Behaviour 5E Print & Interactive E-textOrganisational Behaviour, 5th Edition presents Organisational Behaviour in an interactive digital format designed to motivate students by taking the road blocks out of self-study and to facilitate engagement through the integration of in-situ practice, insights and applications. Available as a full-...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$191Management Accounting : Information for Creating and Managing ValueDeveloped for an Australian and New Zealand audience, Management Accounting 9e explains the contemporary role of management accounting. It takes a broad perspective in viewing management accounting as the efficient and effective use of resources, demonstrating how it creates and enhances value for c...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$107.99Accounting Business Reporting for Decision Making EBookNOTE: THIS ITEM IS NOT-RETURNABLE - PLEASE CHOOSE CAREFULLY Buy online and we'll email you the code instructions. Buy in-store and you can collect the code instructions or have it emailed to you. The hardcopy version is here. Continues to set the standard for introductory accounting texts. Perfect f...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$517.50Residential Rental Property Financial StatementPremium Accounting Solution Products Accounting - Categories - Uncategorized - Accounting - Business - Taxes - Consultation - Cart. We can help you file the rental income on tax for your residential property.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Accounting 0 0
$172.50Bookkeeping Training (30 mins)Premium Accounting Solution Products Accounting - Categories - Uncategorized - Accounting - Business - Taxes - Consultation - Cart Bookkeeping Training. We will make you learn how to use accounting software or Excel to complete bookkeeping.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Accounting 0 0
$185Managerial AccountingAs the long-time #1 best-seller in. the 17th edition of Garrison/Noreen/Brewer-s successfully guides students through the course and beyond. Not only does the Garrison text teach students concepts in a clear and concise way, but it also asks students to consider how the concepts they-re learning wil...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$167.99Marketing : Print and Interactive E-TextDesigned for first-year students, Elliott's Marketing, 6th Edition offers students the perfect mix of marketing theory, strategy and practice. This concise yet comprehensive title contains an abundance of real-world insights, explanatory diagrams and practical examples to clarify foundational market...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$345比特币投资税务咨询(45分钟)Premium Accounting Solution - Categories - - - - - Cart 45Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Accounting 0 0
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$345反洗钱法银行审查专业咨询(45分钟)Premium Accounting Solution - Categories - - - - - Cart 45Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Accounting 0 0