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$97.99Chuukyuu e IkouAimed at those who have completed beginner-level study and wish to make a smooth transition to intermediate-level Japanese, this text, with its short reading passages and well-organised writing exercises, aims to improve the reading and writing skills of the learner, enabling them to make the transi...Buy from Store Showing More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$85.99Genki 2 : WorkbookThe accompanying Textbook is here. The Pack with the textbook is here. The third edition of the most highly regarded teaching textbook on the Japanese language, covering speaking, listening, reading, and writing to cultivate overall language ability.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$125.99Genki 2 : TextbookThe accompanying Workbook is here. The Pack with the workbook is here. The third edition of the most highly regarded teaching text book on the Japanese language, covering speaking, listening, reading, and writing to cultivate overall language ability. Each lesson in the revised edition features a ne...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$199.99Genki 2 Pack : Textbook & WorkbookThis pack contains the following books: Genki 2 Textbook third edition is the most highly regarded teaching textbook on the Japanese language, covering speaking, listening, reading, and writing to cultivate overall language ability. Each lesson in the revised edition features a new section dubbed "C...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$140.99Genki 1 : TextbookThe accompanying Workbook is here. The Pack with workbook is here. Third edition of the most highly regarded teaching textbook on the Japanese language; covering speaking, listening, reading, and writing to cultivate overall language ability. Each lesson in the revised edition features a new section...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$21.99Writing Japanese Hiragana: An Introductory Japanese Language Workbook: Learn and…Put simply, practice is the most effective method of mastering written Japanese. The large, open format of Writing Japanese Hiragana invites the student to pick up a pencil and get started Two phonetic syllabaries, hiragana and katakana, and a set of kanji characters based on Chinese ideographs are ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$205.99Genki 1 Pack: Textbook & WorkbookPack includes: Genki 1 Textbook. one of the world's favorite elementary Japanese textbook series, has become even better with the arrival of its third edition. Dialogues and vocabulary: Updated to reflect today's world Grammar explanations, now even easier to follow. Practices: Reorganized to furthe...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$90.99Genki 1 : WorkbookThe accompanying Textbook is here. The Pack with textbook is here. Third edition of the most highly regarded teaching text book on the Japanese language.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$50IB TOK - Teacher Support Pack - Unit 6: Knowledge and LanguageContents Unit 6. Knowledge and Language - 6.1. What is language - Lesson 1: Signals and signs - Lesson 2: Meaning - 6.2. Language and thought - Lesson 3: Concepts - Lesson 4: A priori and a posteriori concepts - Lesson 5: Spacetime - Lesson 6: Linguistic nativism - Lesson 7: The continuity hypothesi...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Curriculum development, educational 0 0
$64.95Teaching Languages to Adolescent Learners : From Theory to PracticeTeaching languages to adolescents can be a challenge, but one that is most rewarding What works What doesn-t work This book provides a reader friendly overview on teaching modern languages to adolescents (Years 7-13). Each chapter takes an aspect of language teaching and learning, and explains the u...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$49German Language (DE) (Advanced)Grammatik, Leseverstndnis, Rechtschreibung, Sprachfehler, Textverstndnis, WortschatzBuy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Management 0 0
$49German Language (DE) (Essentials)Grammatik, Leseverstndnis, Rechtschreibung, Sprachfehler, Textverstndnis, WortschatzBuy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Management 0 0
$49French Language (FR) (Advanced)Adjectifs, Adverbes, Dterminants et Prpositions, Noms, Phrases, Ponctuation, Pronoms, VerbesBuy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Management 0 0
$49French Language (FR) (Essentials)Adjectifs, Adverbes, Dterminants et Prpositions, Noms, Phrases, Ponctuation, Pronoms, VerbesBuy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Management 0 0
$49Italian Language (IT) (Essentials)Comprensione Del Testo, Errori Comuni, Grammatica, Struttura Della Frase, VocabolarioBuy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Management 0 0
$49Italian Language (IT) (Advanced)Comprensione Del Testo, Errori Comuni, Grammatica, Struttura Della Frase, VocabolarioBuy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Management 0 0
$84.63The Oral Language Bookoutlines strategies and ideas which will support teachers to include more quality 'learning talk' in their programmes and embed purposeful oral language opportunities across the curriculum. With over 200 pages, contains research-based ideas and activities with a wide range of photocopiable...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$49English Language (Essentials)Adjectives, Adverbs, Articles, Common Mistakes, Errors, Idiomatic Phrases, Nouns, Numbers, Prepositions, Pronouns, Punctuation, Reading Comprehension, SentencesBuy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Management 0 0
$49English Language (Advanced)Adjectives, Adverbs, Articles, Common Mistakes, Errors, Idiomatic Phrases, Nouns, Numbers, Prepositions, Pronouns, Punctuation, Reading Comprehension, SentencesBuy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Management 0 0
$70.15Scaffolding Language Scaffolding Learning : Teaching English Language Learners i…The bestselling Scaffolding Language, Scaffolding Learning helped tens of thousands of mainstream elementary teachers ensure that their English language learners became full members of the school community with the language and content skills they needed for success. In the highly anticipated Second...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0