Discover more like Peppermint
$14.50PeppermintMentha piperita a hybrid mint, a cross between watermint and spearmint. used for the common cold, cough, inflammation of the mouth and throat, sinus infections, and respiratory infections. It is also used for digestive problems including heartburn, nausea, vomiting, morning sickness, irritable bowel...Buy from Store Showing More like this 0 0
$13Peppermint TeaMade from refreshing peppermint leaves, this aromatic and caffeine-free infusion is perfect for soothing digestion, alleviating stress and promoting overall wellness. Flavour Profile Cool Crisp Potential Benefits - Soothes digestive issues - Relieves headaches and migraines - Improves energy levels ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Animal food manufacturing 0 0
$16.90Organic Move Along Herbal Tea BlendDescription Sluggish Digestion or Constipation. Blended to support proper digestive function, the liver healthy bowel movements. It may also help to calm soothe the digestive tract alleviate the effects of stress on gastrointestinal function. Instructions Place 1/2 to 1 tsp of tea per 200ml cup into...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$21PEPPERMINT TEA : Mentha piperitaDried botanicals for your everyday life. Organic and therapeutic quality, always. SOOTHING RESTORING One of the most well known herbal teas, peppermint is widely used for soothing upsets of the digestive system, particularly spasms and indigestion. It is also helpful in stress related stomach issues...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Health & Beauty > Herbalist 0 0
$16.90Organic Throat Ease Herbal Tea BlendDescription Sore Throats and Coughs This anti-bacterial, anti-viral blend is designed to soothe and calm a sore irritated throat and mouth. It is an ideal tea to pair with honey to calm a raspy, painful, or irritated throat. Instructions Place 1/2 to 1 tsp of tea per 200ml cup into a tea pot or infu...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$15Bedtime BrewContaining a soothing blend of chamomile, peppermint, rosehip and lemon balm, our works together to promote relaxation and calmness, helping you to drift off into a deep and restful sleep. Flavour Profile Balanced Floral Potential Benefits Chamomile: Promotes relaxation and sleep making it a popular...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Animal food manufacturing 0 0
$4Ritual Tea Company Tea LeavesPlease note: All orders must be made before 5pm Sunday. Separate orders made to the same address will be delivered at the same time. - Ritual Tea Company is based on the Kapiti Coast, just north of Wellington. They hand blend small batches of organic tea and herbal infusions for people who are looki...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Food > Takeaway food 0 0
$21.75Artemis Digestive Ease Tea 30gArtemis Digestive Ease Tea Supports a healthy digestive system. Healthy digestion is the foundation of good health. How well we digest our food and absorb nutrients directly relates to our vitality and health. Poor digestive health is a common problem and often not addressed. Digestive Ease Tea is t...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$9.90Peppermint Tea - Certified Organic - [50g] - Please Read DescriptionOrganic loose leaf peppermint This is bagged to order, please be aware stock may not be available - If this is the case we will refund automaticallyBuy from Store ⦾ More like this Food > General store operation 0 0
$14Tea Total | Pure Organic Peppermint | 45gApart from the lovely fresh taste of mint, peppermint tea is often drunk for digestive benefit. Essential peppermint oils are said to calm and relax the muscles along the intestinal tract, thus reducing spasms and assisting with indigestion. Specifications - sourced in Egypt, organic, pure dried and cut peppermint leavesBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$80$14Artemis Digestive Ease Tea is a traditional recipe for soothing and settling the stomach after meals or anytime. Artemis Digestive Ease TeaBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0 -
$23.90Artemis Digestive Tea 30gHealthy digestion is the foundation of good health. How well we digest our food and absorb nutrients directly relates to our vitality and health. Digestive Tea is a traditional plant formula to support the proper digestion of food and digestive comfort. Take Digestive Tea for optimal digestive healt...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Food > Health supplement 0 0
$35.90Artemis Digestive Tea 60gHealthy digestion is the foundation of good health. How well we digest our food and absorb nutrients directly relates to our vitality and health. Digestive Tea is a traditional plant formula to support the proper digestion of food and digestive comfort. Take Digestive Tea for optimal digestive healt...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Food > Health supplement 0 0
$12.90Hampstead Peppermint & Spearmint TeaOrganic Demeter Fairtrade Peppermint Spearmint Tea We've enhanced peppermint's traditionally renowned digestive properties by pairing it with spearmint. Cool, refreshing and soothing. Naturally caffeine free. Ingredients: Demeter, Fairtrade Peppermint and Spearmint leaves 20 tea bags in sachets. Enj...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing 0 0
$23.99Artemis Digestive Ease Tea 30g- Settles digestion and stomach - Supports proper digestion of food - Neutralises over-acidity naturally - Suitable for adults and children Healthy digestion is the foundation of good health. How well we digest our food and absorb nutrients directly relates to our vitality and health. Digestive Ease...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$17Pure Organic Peppermint Pyramid Tea BagA lovely refreshing pure mint tea that not only tastes great and is addictive but also holds many beneficial properties. This organic 100% peppermint tea only consists of the finest cuts of peppermint, it is great for the digestive system and intestinal tract. Many people love it for its relaxing and calming effect on muscles. Ingredients: Certified organic peppermint leaves.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Food > Tea wholesaling 0 0
$32.90*Artemis Digestive Ease Oral Liquid 100mlPEPPERMINT Peppermint (Mentha piperita)soothes the stomach and supports digestive comfort and the function of the liver and gallbladder.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Health & Beauty > Personal 0 0
$21.10*Artemis Digestive Ease Tea 30gmArtemis - Digestive Ease Supports a healthy digestive system. Healthy digestion is the foundation of good health. How well we digest our food and absorb nutrients directly relates to our vitality and health. Poor digestive health is a common problem and often not addressed. Digestive Ease Tea is tra...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Health & Beauty > Personal 0 0
$13.50Tea Total – Pure Organic Peppermint 45g Loose Leaf TeaThis tea brings the lovely fresh taste of mint, naturally we use nothing but the finest cuts of pure peppermint from a certified organic source in Egypt. This herbal tea is perfect drink after a meal. INGREDIENTS: Pure dried and cut peppermint leaves TO MAKE: 1 heaped teaspoon for 200ml cup Add fres...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$14.50RooibosAspalathus linearis was traditionally used by the Bushmen and Hottentots of South Africa and is becoming increasingly popular in the West as a pleasant tasting tea that also has health benefits. A tea made from the leaves and stems of rooibos is generally beneficial to the digestive system and relax...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$3Pure Organic PeppermintA lovely refreshing pure mint tea that not only tastes great and is addictive but also holds many beneficial properties. This organic 100% peppermint tea only consists of the finest cuts of peppermint, it is great for the digestive system and intestinal tract. Many people love it for its relaxing and calming effect on muscles. Ingredients: Certified organic peppermint leaves.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Food > Tea wholesaling 0 0
$17.99Love Tea Digestive Blend Loose Leaf Tea 60gOur naturopath has carefully selected this blend of organic herbs, to help support healthy digestive function. Including fennel, aniseed and lemon balm, this botanical blend offers therapeutic qualities that have traditionally been used to support and repair the digestive system. This is a gentle, r...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Gift 0 0
$3Herbal tea - peppermint organic t leaf TOrganic peppermint herbal tea is a refreshingly sweet and minty tea. Our organic peppermint is sourced from Washington State in the USA. Shop peppermint tea pyramids and loose leaf online at t leaf T today.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Food > Tea wholesaling 0 0
$19Digest SOOTHE Botanical Tea Blend - 50GSoothe and settlethe belly and mindwith our new Digest SOOTHE botanical tea blend. Digest-SOOTHE is a blend of herbs traditionally used to soothe and settle the tummy and promote digestive ease and comfort. Best enjoyed between meals and in the evening to relax the belly and mind. Peppermint Not onl...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Food > Food manufacturing 0 0