Discover more like Hoya Carnosa 12 cm pot
$54.99$49.99Hoya Carnosa - Free delivery in Hamilton CityBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0 -
$64.99Hoya bilobata L 12cm - The Little ThingsHoya Carnosa - Free delivery in Hamilton CityBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$9.99Hoya Carnosa S 15cm - The Little ThingsHoya Carnosa - Free delivery in Hamilton CityBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$59.99Hoya Carnosa in BasketThe a beautiful addition to any room. With its vibrant green foliage and delicate flowers, this plant adds a touch of natural elegance to your space. The Hoya Carnosa is known for its air-purifying properties, making it a healthy and stylish choice for your home or office.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Gift 0 0
$24.99Hoya Hindu Rope - 12cmThe Hindu Rope plant, scientifically known as Hoya carnosa compacta, is a popular trailing succulent with unique waxy, twisted leaves. In New Zealand, it is cultivated as a decorative houseplant, admired for its distinctive appearance and resilience in indoor environments. Comes in 13cm nursery pot.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Plant, garden 0 0
$15.99Hoya CarnosaThis plant is a easy to care for and attractive addition to any home or office. Featuring distinctive heart shaped leaves with a wax-like shimmer, this vining plant can thrive in bright, indirect light and low humidity. Buy this beautiful hoya carnosa today - This plant comes in an 8cm biodegradable...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$24.99HOYA CARNOSA 'SNOWBALL'Hoya carnosa Snowball has a cluster of white to pink star-like flowers that are heavily scented and produce a sugary nectar. Place in bright place away from direct sunlight. Plant in well drained chunky soil. Water according to temperature once top layer of soil is dried out. Feed with slow release ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Internet only 0 0
$33.99Hoya Krimson Princess 12CMHoya Krimson Princess (Hoya carnosa Krimson Princess), a popular indoor plant native to Southeast Asia and Australia, is an absolute stunner. Krimson princess is a variegated type of hoya carnosa. With its impressive variegation and low-maintenance care requirements, its a royal favorite among garde...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Gift 0 0
$35.95Noch 14020 HO Ornamental Plants In Tubs (3 Flower Pots)Realistic Ornamental Plants Gardens, parks, terraces and much more can be realistically designed with the Ornamental Plants. The little tree with red berries showcases any pedestrian zone and the green plant as well as the plant with red blossoms provide for lifelike decoration on a model landscape....Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$5Watkins Catalogue of Trees, Shrubs and Climbers (includes Roses) by Stephen Barn…A guide to ornamental trees, shrubs and climbers which will prove to be indispensable for every serious gardener wanting to broaden their horticultural horizons. Listing more than 1800 different species and varieties of trees, shrubs and climbers, the books compact format makes it a handy, take-anywhere reference on trips to garden centres, on garden &hellipBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$59.99Hoya Krimson Princess in BasketHoya Krimson Princess (Hoya carnosa Krimson Princess), a popular indoor plant native to Southeast Asia and Australia, is an absolute stunner. Krimson princess is a variegated type of hoya carnosa. With its impressive variegation and low-maintenance care requirements, its a royal favorite among garde...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Gift 0 0
$6.50Hoya Carnosa Cutting x 11 x hoya carnosa cutting Get an alert when the product is in stock: Get an alert Tweet Add to Wishlist Add to Wishlist Categories: Care - Easy, House Pot Plants, Lighting - Medium to High, Lighting - Very High, Marshlands, Plants, Single Stems, Snail Free Range, Stem - Description - Reviews (0) Desc...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Plant, garden 0 0
$84.99Hoya Krimson Princess In HoopHoya Krimson Princess (Hoya carnosa Krimson Princess), a popular indoor plant native to Southeast Asia and Australia, is an absolute stunner. Krimson princess is a variegated type of hoya carnosa. With its impressive variegation and low-maintenance care requirements, its a royal favorite among garde...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Gift 0 0
$89.99Hoya Krimson Princess ‘Bamboo Hoop’Hoya Krimson Princess (Hoya carnosa Krimson Princess), a popular indoor plant native to Southeast Asia and Australia, is an absolute stunner. Krimson princess is a variegated type of hoya carnosa. With its impressive variegation and low-maintenance care requirements, its a royal favorite among garde...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Gift 0 0
$20Hoya Carnosa - Wax PlantDescription Hoya plant, also known as the wax plant, is a popular houseplant. With clusters of star-shaped flowers adorning it, this waxy-looking species survives with only the bare minimum of care. Care Guide Origin: Eastern Asia Australia. Botanical name: Hoya Carnosa Family: Apocynaceae. Suitable...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Plant, garden 0 0
$82$60Original price was: $. $60.00 Current price is: $60.00. also known as Hoya Carnosa Compacta has densely leaved vines that appear slightly twisted. In optimal conditions, it will produce wheel-like clusters of pink waxy flowers with stars in their crowns. a tropical plant suited to shelves and hangin...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0 -
$20Hoya carnosa - 1L / 14cm / SmallDouble planted Hoya carnosa in a hanging basket. Ideal for Beginner plant keepers or beyond. Light Requirements: Bright Indirect Light to Medium light is ideal but tolerates a range of low light to partial direct sun. Moisture Soil Requirements: Trailing semi-succulent vine. Prefers light waterings,...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$24.99Hoya Krimson Princessa variegated variant of the ever popular Hoya Carnosa.The plant is native to Thailand, India, China as well as Indonesia. It belongs to the Apocynaceae family and is part of the Hoya genus. Hoyas are perennials and are epiphytic vining plants that are known for their ropey vines. They do look great ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Internet only 0 0
$19.99Hoya Minibelle 13cmHoya Minibelle is a charming miniature cultivar of the popular Hoya plant, known for its glossy, succulent leaves and delicate pinkish-white flowers that resemble miniature stars. Perfect for compact spaces or as a delightful addition to any plant collection, Hoya Minibelle thrives in bright indirect light and requires minimal maintenance. Comes in 13cm nursery pot.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Plant, garden 0 0
$29.99Scindapsus 'Silvery Ann' M 15cm Nursery Pot - The Little ThingsA beautiful Scindapsus plant with two growing points and gorgeous new growth. The Silvery Ann is currently very sought after. This one wont take long to get big. Please note that this plant comes in a 15cm black nursery pot. Please feel free to add a Ceramic Pot to your order if you wish to, &hellipBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$15Appearing Flower in Pot - Magic TrickThe appearing flower in pot magic trick is a great starter trick for children. Wave the wand and make the flower appear in the pot just like magic. Includes flower, flower pot and wand. Resets quickly to perform as many times as you like. Wand is 24 cm long, includes instructions.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Pet 0 0
$24.99Hoya Mathilde 12cmHoya Mathilde is a stunning tropical plant with glossy, heart-shaped leaves that boast a unique variegated pattern. Its trailing vines make it a popular choice for hanging baskets, adding a touch of lush greenery to any indoor space. Comes in 12cm nursery pot.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Plant, garden 0 0
$29.99Syngonium Pink L 15cm Nursery Pot - The Little ThingsA beautiful Syngonium Pink. This is a well established plant, in a 15cm Nursery Pot. Please choose from our selection of 15-16cm size Ceramic Pots to add one to your order.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0