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$13.90Bramble28cm 11" skill level beginner materials 1 fat quarter acrylic fur 1 piece ultra suede 1 pair 12mm safety eyes 1 x 30mm safety joint embroidery thread for nose and mouth and dacron stuffing a soft cuddy sitting bear with inset ears 0Buy from Store Showing More like this Art, Hobby & Craft > Craft material and supply 0 0
$19New Look Patterns - Bernina Sewing Centre TaurangaNew Look Patterns for garments and craft projects.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$1.30Craft knifeUsed for cutting the fur backing the safety lock blade can be snapped off freshen sharpness 0Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Art, Hobby & Craft > Craft material and supply 0 0
$13.90Tarquin25.5cm 10" skill level beginner materials 1 fat eighth mohair 1 piece ultra suede 1 pair 7mm glass eyes 3 x 30mm joints embroidery thread for nose and dacron stuffing easy make has inset ears and lays down with no arm joints 0Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Art, Hobby & Craft > Craft material and supply 0 0
$17.20Tabitha21cm 8.25" skill level intermediate materials 1 fat eighth mohair fur fabric 1 pair 10mm cats eyes 1 x 35mm and 2 x 45mm safety joints stiff thread or fishing line for whiskers and dacron stuffing cute cat with jointed neck and rear legs 0Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Art, Hobby & Craft > Craft material and supply 0 0
$13.90Darby30cm 12" skill level beginner materials 1 fat quarter mohair fur fabric 1 piece ultra suede 1 pair 8mm glass eyes 2 x 25 and 3 x 30mm joints embroidery thread for nose and mouth and dacron stuffing an old fashioned bear with a small tail 0Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Art, Hobby & Craft > Craft material and supply 0 0
$13.90Poser29cm 11.5" skill level beginner materials 1 fat eighth acrylic fur fabric 1 piece velour 2 bead eyes 1 x 30mm joint dacron stuffing and garnet sand lives up his name and is very poseable a real cutie 0Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Art, Hobby & Craft > Craft material and supply 0 0
$17.20Craft awlGreat for piercing holes for eyes and joints 0Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Art, Hobby & Craft > Craft material and supply 0 0
$17.20Cheezle jnr19cm 7.5" skill level beginnermaterials 1 fat eighth mohair fur fabric 1 pair 6mm glass eyes 2 x 25mm and 1 x 30mm safety joints 1 pipe cleaner for inside tail optional stiff cotton for whiskers and dacron stuffing cut mouse with inset ears 0Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Art, Hobby & Craft > Craft material and supply 0 0
$17.20Jock16.5cm 6.5" skill level intermediatematerials 1 fat eighth mohair fur fabric 1 pair 6mm glass eyes 3 x 20mm and 2 x 25mm safety joints embroidery thread for nose dacron stuffing and garnet sand.well proportioned small fully jointed bear with inset ears 0Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Art, Hobby & Craft > Craft material and supply 0 0
$15.40Felix32cm 12.5" skill level intermediate materials 1 fat quarter acrylic or mohair fur fabric 1 pair 12mm eyes 1 x 15mm muzzle nose 1 x 45mm joint for head heavy duty thread or fishing nylon for whiskers and dacron stuffing sitting realistic cat with jointed head and inset ears 0Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Art, Hobby & Craft > Craft material and supply 0 0
$13.90Jeremy36cm 14" skill level beginner materials 1 fat quarter acrylic fur 1 piece ultra suede 1 pair 9mm glass eyes 3 x 35mm and 2 x 40mm safety joints embroidery thread for nose and dacron stuffing has an inset muzzle and large tummy 0Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Art, Hobby & Craft > Craft material and supply 0 0
$13.90Boysenbeary25.5cm 10" skill level beginner materials 1 fat eighth acrylic or mohair fur fabric 1 piece ultra suede 1 pair 6mm glass or safety eyes 5 x 25mm joints dacron stuffing emroidery thread for nose and detail on paws has detail on both feet and paw pads 0Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Art, Hobby & Craft > Craft material and supply 0 0
$13.90Taffy27cm 10.5" skill level beginnermaterials 1 fat eighth mohair 1 piece ultra suede 1 pair 6mm eyes 2 x 16mm and 3 x 20mm joints embroidery thread for nose dacron stuffing and quartz.a cute scruffy little bear with long feet he has a high forehead which is easy make 0Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Art, Hobby & Craft > Craft material and supply 0 0
$15.40Charlie31cm 12" skill level beginner materials 1 fat quarter of either mohair or acrylic fur fabric 1 piece ultra suede 1 pair 10mm safety eyes 2 x 30mm and 3 x 35mm safety joints embroidery thread for nose and dacron stuffing a fully jointed bear with inset ears 0Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Art, Hobby & Craft > Craft material and supply 0 0
$165.50Marbling Class PackThe ancient art of paper marbling has historically been associated with book arts. The technique involves floating paints on the surface of a gel-like medium (known as the marbling size) and then transferring this floating design onto paper or fabric. Jacquards Marbling Class Pack makes marbling eas...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Art, Hobby & Craft > Artist supply 0 0
$13.40Fred18cm 7 skill level intermediate materials 1 eighth acrylic fur fabric 1 pair 7.5mm safety eyes 1 piece ultra suede dacron stuffing and pellets optional pellets not be used for children under 3 years has inset ears and no joints suitable for a variety of short acrylic furs very cute 0Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Art, Hobby & Craft > Craft material and supply 0 0
$13.90Liam17cm 6.5" skill level beginner materials 1 fat eighth mohair fur fabric 1 piece ultra suede 1 pair 5mm black glass 5 x 16mm split-pin joints embroidery thread for nose dacron stuffing and garnet sand for body a cute little bear 0Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Art, Hobby & Craft > Craft material and supply 0 0
$13.90Bluebeary36cm 14" skill level intermediatematerials 1 fat quarter or 2 eighths of different materials are used 1 pair 9mm glass eyes 5 x 40mm split pin joints embroidery thread for nose dacron stuffing cute fully jointed bear with inset ears this design uses different fabrics give a jacket effect suitable for acrylic or mohair fur 0Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Art, Hobby & Craft > Craft material and supply 0 0
$13.90Kody41cm 16" skill level beginner materials 1 fat quarter acrylic fur fabric 1 piece velour 1 pair 9mm glass or safety eyes 1 x 40mm safety joint embroidery thread for nose and dacron stuffing a baby bear that stands on all four legs he is as long as he is wide he has a four part body and inset muzzle 0Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Art, Hobby & Craft > Craft material and supply 0 0
$13.90Noodle24cm 9.5" skill level intermediate materials 1 fat eighth mohair fur fabric 1 piece velour 1 pair 6mm black glass eyes 3 x 25mm and 2 x 35mm joints embroidery thread for nose and dacron stuffing cute character jointed bear with large feet and droopy ears 0Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Art, Hobby & Craft > Craft material and supply 0 0
$69Bombay Bramble Blackberry & Raspberry Gin 700mlA fruity gin from Bombay Sapphire, inspired by the Bramble cocktail. This gin is infused with fresh brambles and raspberries, adding lively fruity notes alongside earthy juniper. Limited Stock Available The Bombay Bramble Cocktail Step aside pink gin, Bombay Sapphire has released a crimson gin made ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$20.90Melly & Me Patterns - Clucky the ChickenClucky the chook just loves to look after her brood of little chicks. She likes to keep her babies under her wings, warm, safe and close. This pattern is suitable for all skill levels. Completed size: Approximately 17 cm x 22 cm Patterns contain full step-by-step instructions and the full sized templates to create your own Clucky set.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Art, Hobby & Craft > Craft material and supply 0 0
$15.40Bernard43cm 17" skill level intermediate materials 1 fat quarter of acrylic or mohair fur 1 piece ultra suede 1 pair 15mm eyes 3 x 55mm and 2 x 45mm joints embroidery thread dacron stuffing and growler a very traditional fully jointed bear with inset ears he has a small hump on his back and a defined muzzle 0Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Art, Hobby & Craft > Craft material and supply 0 0