Discover more like German Maggini copy violin
$5,000German Maggini copy violinThis late nineteenth century German violin is a fine example of Vogtland Maggini"-style instruments, sporting the traditional double purfling lines and long Brescian" f holes. Instead of the standard scroll, the head is carved in the likeness of Mozart, whose name is stamped on the back inside an at...Buy from Store Showing More like this 0 0
$4,500German "Maggini" Copy violinThe German violinmaking workshops of the Vogtland area were fond of producing violins made in the style of Giovanni Paolo Maggini. This is a particularly elegant interpretation of his work, with a narrow waist and slender shoulders. The f holes are striking, with very open nicks. An amber-coloured o...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$5,500Telemann “Maestro” violinWe are very excited about our new Telemann range of instruments, and particularly so about our latest addition, the Maestro" violin, which deservedly headlines the series. This attractive example, with its lightly antiqued, honey-gold varnish, is modelled on the most famous of Guarneri del Gesus vio...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$3,300Telemann "Virtuoso" ViolinIn our opinion, Telemann violins, made in China with European know-how, and then finished with our own professional set up, are the best quality-for-money instruments we have come across in a long while. Our new Telemann Virtuoso violins build on the success of the Telemann Sonata and Concerto range...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$4,000Robert Thain violin, Auckland, 1963Born in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, in 1880, Robert Thain emigrated to New Zealand in his late 30s, establishing himself as a violin maker in Auckland from 1925 onward. This example, inspired by Guarneri del Gesu, is one of his later instruments. It is very playable, with a fast, easy response, and has...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$4,000A French “Vuillaume” copy violin, also labelled “Lutherie Artistique”Made in one of the larger Mirecourt workshops around 100 years ago, this capable French violin is modelled after the work of Jean-Baptiste Vuillaume and has the unusual distinction of sporting a second label Lutherie Artistique" on the treble side of the back, which also attests to the use of aged w...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$6,000E.H. Roth violin labelled “Jacobus Hornsteiner”, Germany c.1920Ernst Heinrich Roths Markneukirchen workshop, founded in 1902, produced many fine violins for the advanced student market, both under his own name and under several pseudonyms, including Jacobus Hornsteiner". This excellent example of the latter, modelled after Stradivari, has a bright, powerful, be...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$2,200Telemann "Concerto" ViolinIn our opinion, Telemann violins, made in China with European know-who, and then finished with our own professional set up, are the best quality-for-money instruments we have come across in a long while. Our new Telemann Concerto violins are a step up from the Telemann Sonata outfits, and are finish...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$6,000Jay Haide À l'ancienne Vuillaume model violin, euro woodJay Haide violins, viola and cellos are the inspiration of Jay Ifshin of Ifshin Violins, California. In 1992, Jay realised they could make their own in-house, handmade instruments for the middle and upper student market, and do a better job than the traditional commercial makers in Europe and Asia. ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$2,300German unstamped, 'Vuillaume' style, silver-mounted violin bowThis Vuillaume" style, silver-mounted violin bow, with its frog set slightly into the stick for stability, has a very attractive playing style, despite its lack of pedigree. The round, pernambuco stick feels light in the hand but draws a clear, warm sound, with good articulation and spiccato. While versatile, it would particularly suit Classical and Baroque repertoire.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$9,000Malcolm Collins violin #52, Upper Hutt 2015Malcolm Collins has established a reputation as one of New Zealands most prolific professional violin makers. This instrument is a good example of his later work, with an exquisitely flamed maple back and a golden orange-red oil varnish. The Guarneri-style modelling gives the lower registers richnes...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$10,000Jean Baptiste Colin, France, 1889Born in Mirecourt in 1831, Jean-Baptiste Colin made good quality violins with workmanship and varnish typical of his hometown. This handsome, Guarneri-model violin echoes the work of his more famous contemporary Charles Jean-Baptiste Collin-Mezin, both in the broad waist and arching, and in the soun...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$2,000German silver-mounted violin bow stamped “Dodd”In contrast to many German bows stamped Dodd", the name of one of Englands most prominent bow makers, this intriguing, silver-mounted violin bow not only has superior playability but shows some awareness of Dodds making style, with its rounded head and slender stick. Despite its elegance, the bow we...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$6,000Kelvin Almy electric violin, WellingtonKevin Almy has been making acoustic and electric musical instruments for most of his life. After graduating from the Welsh School of Musical Instrument making in 1991, he established his specialist violin business Almy Violins, in Wellington, before returning to the UK two decades later. This stylis...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$6,000Unlabelled violin attributed to WhitmarshThis charming, unlabelled violin has historically been attributed to Whitmarsh", and it is quite possible that it came from the workshop of either Emanuel Whitmarsh, or his son Edwin who is also know to have imported decent European instruments in the white and finished them with his own varnish. Th...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$6,250W.E. Hill + Sons "H & S" silver-mounted violin bowW.E. Hill and Sons became the most prestigious violin dealership in the UK from the late nineteenth century through to their closure in 1992. While they are rightly famous for their expertise in authentication, and for the high-quality violins handmade in their own workshops, it is arguably their bo...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$7,000W.E. Hill + Sons "W.E.H & S" silver-mounted violin bowW.E. Hill and Sons became the most prestigious violin dealership in the UK from the late nineteenth century through to their closure in 1992. While they are rightly famous for their expertise in authentication, and for the high-quality violins handmade in their own workshops, it is arguably their bo...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$6,500W.E. Hill + Sons "W.E.H + S" silver-mounted violin bowW.E. Hill and Sons, for a time one of the most authoritative and prestigious violin dealers in the world, also had their own workshops, making fine violins in the Anglo-French tradition, excellent bows, and luxury cases. Their bows came in several grades, distinguished by the stamp on the stick. Thi...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$2,450Scott Cao 4/4, 3/4, 1/2 SCV100ES violin, ChinaScott Cao student instruments are the brainchild of internationally recognised violin maker Scott Shu-Kun Cao. California-based Cao has, in addition to his own personal workshop, three other workshops making different grades of instruments. One is also in California, while the other two are in China...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$2,200German 'Bausch' copy, silver-mounted violin bowThis silver-mounted bow is of a much higher standard than the many thousands of nickel-mounted German bows stamped Bausch" that have been made for the student market. The stamp is so widespread because of the pre-eminence of bow maker Ludwig Christian August Bausch and his two sons. Although this bo...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$3,000Collin-Mézin violin bowCharles Jean-Baptiste Collin-Mzin is famous for his violins, and for the highly successful small workshop he set up in Mirecourt, once his personal instruments had achieved prize-winning success. Neither he nor his luthiers were bow makers, so, to complement his instrument sales, he purchased good-q...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$2,200Unstamped silver-mounted violin bowThe round, pernambuco stick sits well on the string and draws a warm, clear sound despite the bows relatively light weight of 58.1 grams. Articulation in fast string crossings is good, and the bow produces a reliable, steady spiccato. Like many unbranded silver-mounted German bows of the late ninete...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$2,250“R. Hageman” silver-mounted violin bowThis fine, silver-mounted violin bow was made in Germany by R Hagerman from well-selected pernambuco wood. The workmanship is skilled and individualistic, with an elegant, narrow head finished with a sweeping upturn. The simple ebony frog is offset with an attractive, broad pearl slide. The octagonal stick gives the tone clarity, with a crisp articulation and spiccato.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$3,300Ary France “A Martin” violin bowFounded in 1974, the Ary France bow making workshops have been producing a wide range of violin, viola, cello and double bass bows in both Brazilwood and Pernambuco wood for almost 50 years. This elegant, gold-mounted violin bow, stamped A. Martin", is positioned at the very top of their range and w...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0