$96.90Realistic Vulva and Anus model Restore PhysiotherapyThis Realistic Vulva model is soft, flexible and anatomically correct. It is made from smooth and super soft, realistically life-like Futurotic Plus (TPR). This model has a: - clitoris and clitoral hood - labia minora and majora - vaginal opening and vagina - anal opening and anal canal Clinical app...Buy from Store 0 0
$19.90Natural Toy Cleaner Restore PhysiotherapyAn effective, natural cleaning formula without sulfates, parabens or colorants. Made with natural citrus oils, this perfectly blended Triclosan-free formulation of body-safe ingredients is designed to clean and sanitize pleasure products. Simple spray application. For gentle, hygienic cleaning of yo...Buy from Store 0 0
$116.90Master Gauge Pump Restore PhysiotherapyThe Master Gauge pump is a sophisticated and easy to use pump that features a built-in gauge for pumping precision, strong clear cylinder with flexible PVC hose and reliable pull down finger trigger for effortless use. A THREE PIECE SET FEATURING: - A sturdy PS acryclic cylinder - A ruler on side of...Buy from Store 0 0
$329TheraPump - LED vacuum pump Restore PhysiotherapyThe world's first rechargeable LED penis pump designed to stimulate the production of collagen and growth of blood vessels. Over time, blood vessels can diminish, while the strength of erections can weaken. The THERAPUMP's six (6) strips of restorative red LED light (120 LEDs) and three (3) preset v...Buy from Store 0 0
$10Relieving Pelvic Pain during and after pregnancy Restore PhysiotherapyPregnancy weakens the ligaments that keep the pelvic bones together. If those weakened ligaments become overloaded or injured, it results in pelvic instability - pain around the joints that can be brief or last for years after the birth. In 1996, Cecile Rouml;st, who suffered from this condition her...Buy from Store 0 0
$15The Relaxation and Stress reduction workbook Restore PhysiotherapyThis book offers proven-effective worry and anger models. This book features chapters including "Facing Feelings", which focuses on mindfulness and acceptance, and "Coping with Anger". It covers time management. It shows how to unplug from our wealth of electronic communication conveniences when nec...Buy from Store 0 0
$20Trigger Point Therapy for Myofascial Pain: The Practice of Informed Touch Restore PhysiotherapyMyofascial pain syndromes are among the fastest growing problems that physicians, osteopaths, acupuncturists, and physical, occupational, and massage therapists encounter in their patients. In Trigger Point Therapy for Myofascial Pain Donna and Steven Finando have organized vast amounts of informati...Buy from Store 0 0
$15In The Womb: Witness the Journey from Conception to Birth Through 3D imaging Restore PhysiotherapyImagine being able to observe with astonishing clarity a child's delicate features as they evolve over the course of a pregnancy, or witness the complex behavior of new human life in utero. Now we can, thanks to the advent of innovative 3D and 4D imaging technologies which provide a powerful diagnos...Buy from Store 0 0
$15Trigger Point Self-Care Manual - for pain-free movement Restore PhysiotherapyIntroduction Chapter 1: What Are Trigger Points and How Do I Treat Them Chapter 2: Common Musculoskeletal Injuries and Trigger Points HEAD AND FACE PAIN Sternocleidomastoid Posterior Cervicals-Semispinalis Capitis, Semispinalis Cervicis Splenius Capitis Splenius Cervicis Masseter Temporalis Pterygoi...Buy from Store 0 0
$15Trigger Point Therapy Workbook 2nd Edn - self-treatment guide for pain relief Restore PhysiotherapyThis revised edition of Clair Davies's best-selling book, The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook, outlines a very user-friendly and completely up to date method of self-massage that people can employ as a means of reducing and curing their pain. There has been a great need for a comprehensive and easy-t...Buy from Store 0 0
$8Exercising through your pregnancy Restore PhysiotherapyExamining the effects of exercise on women and their babies, this book presents case studies of women who exercised regularly before, during, and after pregnancy. The book provides guidelines for exercise plans that safely fulfill a mother's needs during different phases of pregnancy, answering such...Buy from Store 0 0
$5Womens Waterworks - curing incontienence Restore PhysiotherapyA best-selling self-help guide to help women overcome that most embarrassing problem: urinary incontinence. Written in a light-hearted easy to read style by world renowned womens health expert, Professor Pauline Chiarelli. Printed in 2009 ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Dr. Nicole Cozean serves as the Clinical Di...Buy from Store 0 0
$10The Newlywed's guide to Physical Intimacy - a Jewish perspective Restore PhysiotherapySexuality is a beautiful part of life truly a gift from God. As a young couple about to embark on one of lifes most important journeys, may you have only joy and success. An important part of this journey is developing physical intimacy the unique pleasure of the sexual experience. Your enjoyment as...Buy from Store 0 0
$15Stop endometriosis and pelvic pain - What Every Woman & Her Doctor Need to Knowo Restore PhysiotherapyStop Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain provides extensive information about the realities and the myths of endometriosis and pelvic pain. Dr. Cook explains why so many patients are misunderstood and misdiagnosed, why most endometriosis surgery is done so poorly, the principles and correct techniques for...Buy from Store 0 0
$20DVD - Healing pelvic and abdominal pain - the Ultimate Home Program for Patients Restore PhysiotherapyHealing Pelvic and Abdominal Pain: The Ultimate Home Program for Patients and Guide for Practitioners, ( healingpelvicandabdominalpain.com), by internationally renowned physical therapist, Amy Stein, DPT, is for men, women and children experiencing IC/PBS, IBS, Vulvodynia, Endometriosis, Non-bacteri...Buy from Store 0 0
$15The better bladder book – a holistic approach to healing IC and pelvic pain Restore PhysiotherapyBladder problems affect millions of people, and recovery is often difficult and incomplete. As a registered nurse, Wendy Cohan has provided health information and treatments for patients with a number of bladder conditions. She begins with a description of the anatomy and function of the urological ...Buy from Store 0 0
$10Manage your pain – practical and positive ways to adapting to chronic pain - 3rd Restore PhysiotherapyChronic pain has been described as a silent epidemic. More than one in ten people - over ten per cent of the population - suffer from persisting pain. Over the last month, how often have you: 1. taken pain killers so you could do something you know would stir up your pain 2. completed a task, regard...Buy from Store 0 0
$5Accidently overweight – solve your weight loss issue. 3rd edition Restore Physiotherapy"What leads the human body to get the message that it needs to store fat and what leads the human body to get the message that it needs to burn fat " In a dynamic, fresh approach to weight loss, acclaimed nutritional biochemist Dr. Libby Weaver discusses the nine factors that cause us to either lose...Buy from Store 0 0
$10The pain survival guide – how to reclaim your life Restore PhysiotherapyIf you suffer from chronic pain, this proven -step program brings hope and relief, showing you how gradual changes in specific behaviors can lead to great improvements in your ability to cope. Psychologists Turk and Winters recommendations are based on solid research that shows what works and on the...Buy from Store 0 0
$15Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain Restore PhysiotherapyEndometriosis is a common but poorly understood condition that affects 5 to 10 percent of women. This book fully explains the medical and surgical aspects of endometriosis in lay people's terms and provides a better understanding of how to get the most from the health services available. Endometrios...Buy from Store 0 0
$5Candida Albicans - 3rd ed Restore PhysiotherapyCandida albicans is an intestinal yeast that lives within the digestive system. When it overgrows, Candida can cause digestive problems, yeast infections, depression and other symptoms. Because its symptoms can seem unrelated, people often suffer Candida-related health problems without realizing it....Buy from Store 0 0
$30Balancing the pelvis - Anatomy trains Tom Myers 2 x DVD's Restore PhysiotherapyContains only disc 1 and 2 (disc three is missing) Expand your grasp of the pelvis in all its complexity Tom Myers presents his unique take on pelvic anatomy and SI joint dynamics, and takes us on a systematic tour of the 20 myofascial units (muscles) surrounding the pelvis, demonstrating and explai...Buy from Store 0 0
$10Down there for Women - gentle exercise prescription Restore PhysiotherapyBiomechanist Katy Bowman demonstrates exercises for stretching and strengthening the muscles that keep the pelvis aligned, allowing the pelvic floor to operate less like a "hammock" and more like a "trampoline." For help with menstrual cramps, pelvic floor disorders, caeserean, sacral health, hip he...Buy from Store 0 0
$15DVD Mastering Pregnancy massage Leslie Stager Restore PhysiotherapyFilled with hundreds of techniques, this detailed, 3 hour program will help you become a skilled pregnancy massage practitioner. Clearly filmed and enhanced with computer graphics, this DVD will lead you step by step through every aspect of Pregnancy Massage from beginning to end. Includes the follo...Buy from Store 0 0