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$39.99Dr's Remedy Calming Clear Gel finish 15mlCALMING Clear Gel-Performing Enriched Nail Finish.calm-ing verb: to make tranquil and quiet; to soothe.A healthier alternative to the conventional gel manicure. This super high-shine top coat gives nails a professional grade, gel-like finish - minus the harmful chemicals and harsh effects. How to us...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$49Dr's Remedy Caress Cuticle Oil 15mlFormulated with a trio of nourishing natural oils for supreme conditioning. Intensely hydrates nails and skin and revives dry, cracked cuticles.Fast-absorbing with no greasy-feel, delivering deep conditioning with an organic blend of comforting Lavender Oil, antioxidant-rich Grape Seed Oil, Algae Ex...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$41Dr's Remedy Total 2-IN-1 Base/Top Coat 15ml ClearTOTAL Two-In-One Top Coat Enriched Nail PolishA multi purpose clear. Benefit from the adhesion & nail barrier of a base coat and the wear protection and gloss of a topcoat. TOTAL provides good wear, easy application and protects the color from UV radiation.Can also be worn alone as a clear for a nat...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$36Dr's Remedy Beloved Blush cremeBELOVED Blush Enriched Nail Polishbee-luv-d adjective: greatly loved, dear to the heartThe FormulaPodiatrist formulated advanced nail enamel. Long lasting, brilliant colors. Enriched with Garlic Bulb Extract, Tea Tree Oil, Wheat Protein and Vitamins C and E.Shade DescriptionCool cotton candy crème ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$36Dr's Remedy Bonafide Boysenberry cremeBONAFIDE Boysenberry Enriched Nail Polishbo-an-fide noun: carried out in good faith.The FormulaPodiatrist formulated advanced nail enamel. Long lasting, brilliant color. Enriched with Garlic Bulb Extract, Tea Tree Oil, Wheat Protein and Vitamins C and E.Shade DescriptionThink red sangria; this vibra...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$36Dr's Remedy Brave Berry cremeBRAVE Berry Enriched Nail Polish The FormulaPodiatrist formulated advanced nail enamel. Long lasting, brilliant colors. Enriched with Garlic Bulb Extract, Tea Tree Oil, Wheat Protein and Vitamins C and E.Shade DescriptionSoft and undeniably feminine; this fusion of berries is the perfect bushel of r...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$36Dr's Remedy Cheerful Cherry shimmerCHEERFUL Cherry Enriched Nail Polishchir-full adjective: noticeably happy and optimistic; full of good spiritsThe FormulaPodiatrist formulated advanced nail enamel. Long lasting, brilliant colors. Enriched with Garlic Bulb Extract, Tea Tree Oil, Wheat Protein and Vitamins C and E.Shade DescriptionA ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$36Dr's Remedy Clarity CoralCLARITY Coral Enriched Nail Polishka-lar-i-tee noun: the quality of transparency or purityThe FormulaPodiatrist formulated advanced nail enamel. Long lasting, brilliant color. Enriched with Garlic Bulb Extract, Tea Tree Oil, Wheat Protein and Vitamins C and E.Shade DescriptionBright pinky-orangey an...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$36Dr's Remedy Focus FuchsiaFOCUS Fuchsia Enriched Nail Polishfoh-kus verb: to see more clearly; directed attentionThe FormulaPodiatrist formulated advanced nail enamel. Long lasting, brilliant color. Enriched with Garlic Bulb Extract, Tea Tree Oil, Wheat Protein and Vitamins C and E.Shade DescriptionA hot pink with rich, roma...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$36Dr's Remedy - Remedy Red cremeREMEDY Red Enriched Nail Polishrem-i-dee noun: a way of solving a problem or difficultyThe Formula: Podiatrist formulated advanced nail enamel. Long lasting, brilliant colour. Enriched with Garlic Bulb Extract, Tea Tree Oil, Wheat Protein and Vitamins C and E.Shade Description: The ultimate in glamo...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$36Dr's Remedy - Rescue Red cremeRESCUE Red Enriched Nail Polishres-cue verb: to free from confinementThe Formula: Podiatrist formulated advanced nail enamel. Long lasting, brilliant colour. Enriched with Garlic Bulb Extract, Tea Tree Oil, Wheat Protein and Vitamins C and E.Shade Description: A classic fire engine red (creme)For Be...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$36Dr's Remedy - Reflective RoséREFLECTIVE Rosé Enriched Nail Polishri-flek-tiv adjective: showing or involved in careful thinking; thoughtfulThe FormulaPodiatrist formulated advanced nail enamel. Long lasting, brilliant colours. Enriched with Garlic Bulb Extract, Tea Tree Oil, Wheat Protein and Vitamins C and E.Shade Description...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$36Dr's Remedy - Relaxing RoseRELAXING Rose Enriched Nail Polishre-lacks-ing verb: to release from tension.The Formula: Podiatrist formulated advanced nail enamel. Long lasting, brilliant colour. Enriched with Garlic Bulb Extract, Tea Tree Oil, Wheat Protein and Vitamins C and E.Shade Description: An opaque, vintage rose petal s...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$36Dr's Remedy - Mindful Mulberry cremeMINDFUL Mulberry Enriched Nail Polishmine-d-full adjective: a state of awarenessThe FormulaPodiatrist formulated advanced nail enamel. Long lasting, brilliant colour. Enriched with Garlic Bulb Extract, Tea Tree Oil, Wheat Protein and Vitamins C and E.Shade DescriptionBerry hue with purple undertones...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$36Dr's Remedy - Playful Pink shimmerPLAYFUL Pink Enriched Nail Polishplay-full adjective: wanting to have a good timeThe FormulaPodiatrist formulated advanced nail enamel. Long lasting, brilliant colour.Enriched with Garlic Bulb Extract, Tea Tree Oil, Wheat Protein and Vitamins C and E.Shade DescriptionA cheerful candy pink with cryst...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$36Dr's Remedy - Serene Salmon cremeSERENE Salmon Enriched Nail Polishser-ene adjective: lacking a disturbing noise or uproar; peaceful or calmnessThe FormulaPodiatrist formulated advanced nail enamel. Long lasting, brilliant colour. Enriched with Garlic Bulb Extract, Tea Tree Oil, Wheat Protein and Vitamins C and E.Shade DescriptionT...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$36Dr's Remedy - Polished Pale Peach cremePOLISHED Pale Peach Enriched Nail Polishpäl-iSHt adjective: refined and sophisticated, accomplished and skillful, or elegantThe FormulaPodiatrist formulated advanced nail enamel. Long lasting, brilliant colours. Enriched with Garlic Bulb Extract, Tea Tree Oil, Wheat Protein and Vitamins C and E.Sha...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$36Dr's Remedy - Precious PinkPRECIOUS Pink Enriched Nail Polishpresh-us adjective: highly esteemed or cherishedThe FormulaPodiatrist formulated advanced nail enamel. Long lasting, brilliant colour. Enriched with Garlic Bulb Extract, Tea Tree Oil, Wheat Protein and Vitamins C and E.Shade DescriptionA soft, subtle cotton candy li...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$36Dr's Remedy - Altruistic AuburnALTRUISTIC Auburn Enriched Nail Polishal-troo-is-tik adjective: unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of othersThe FormulaPodiatrist formulated advanced nail enamel. Long lasting, brilliant colours. Enriched with Garlic Bulb Extract, Tea Tree Oil, Wheat Protein and Vitamins C and E.Sha...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$36Dr's Remedy - Poised Pink ChampagnePOISED Pink Champagne Enriched Nail Polishpuh-oyz-ed adjective: calm and confident; preparedThe FormulaPodiatrist formulated advanced nail enamel. Long lasting, brilliant colours. Enriched with Garlic Bulb Extract, Tea Tree Oil, Wheat Protein and Vitamins C and E.Shade DescriptionA beautiful shade t...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$36Dr's Remedy - Devoted DenimDEVOTED Denim Enriched Nail Polishde-vot-ed adjective: very loving or loyalThe Formula: Podiatrist formulated advanced nail enamel. Long lasting, brilliant colours. Enriched with Garlic Bulb Extract, Tea Tree Oil, Wheat Protein and Vitamins C and E.Shade Description:Like your favourite pair of blue ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$36Dr's Remedy - Magnetic MidnightMAGNETIC Midnight Enriched Nail Polishmag-neh-tik adjective: possessing an extraordinary power or ability to attractThe FormulaPodiatrist formulated advanced nail enamel. Long lasting, brilliant colours. Enriched with Garlic Bulb Extract, Tea Tree Oil, Wheat Protein and Vitamins C and E.Shade Descri...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$36Dr's Remedy - Cozy CaféCOZY Café Enriched Nail Polishk-oh-zee adjective: giving a feeling of comfort, warmth, and relaxationThe FormulaPodiatrist formulated advanced nail enamel. Long lasting, brilliant colour. Enriched with Garlic Bulb Extract, Tea Tree Oil, Wheat Protein and Vitamins C and E.Shade DescriptionA cafe au ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$20Chakra Bead BraceletBalance your chakras!Chakra balancing with this small and compact power source. The Chakra bracelets combine authentic radiant gemstones into an amazing energy realigning, colour embracing bracelet.One size fits most. This stretchy bead bracelet with energetic crystals generating a collective energy...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0